Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Little Reflection...

I got a little bit of teasing today because I have either deleted posts (so people will mind their own business) or the fact that I haven't blogged in forever. I am watching PVR tv with my hubby and so I thought I would kill a little time....

Hockey is over...Yahoo! There are only two more functions and those will be fun. I thought I would be happy but I am elated. I haven't felt so overwhelmed as I did this year. There were a lot of changes for my oldest son's team this year and being the manager, I got to be the person to deal with it! Phew!! I think I will leave the volunteering for things like that to the crazy people...(yep, I am certain there are crazier then me!) The boys are almost relieved too. They have started remodelling their fort. It's a mish mash of scrap materials they have found here and there! I will have to get out there and take some pictures of it to show off the ingenuity my boys hold. They have also pulled out the dirtbikes and quad, much to the neighbours chagrin. I LOVE it! There were 3 quads and 4 bikes parked here on the weekend while they all came in for snacks and to tease me!! Saturday night was a full house too with about 5 extra kids sleeping over. There is nothing better then being the place they happen to all be at in the moment.

So that brings me to Meg. My sweet Megan is becoming a teenager rapidly. There is some eyeliner and fancy hair. Much more attention to clothes although she isn't at that girlie girl stage quite yet!! She loves to be with her friends. I am starting to miss her ...and the boys! Anyway, I think we are going to have to invest in another quad or convince her to ride the extra dirt bike. She is logging more miles on the quad than either boy.

Other then that, Mom had knee surgery last week. She is a trooper although today was a rough day for her. She spent a fair bit of time asleep. Hopefully she can take it easy over the next few weeks and heal so she can maximize the effects of such a major surgery!

I am working on this blog thing...learning as I go. Soon, there will be pictures and artwork and more stuff about the people I love and really like!!

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